Friday, August 14, 2009

Adding the Second Person

When you're the CEO and sole employee of your business, things run pretty smoothly, at least from an employee-management perspective. There are never disagreements over business decisions because you're the only one affected by them. The business is 100% yours. You also never have to worry about whether or not work is getting done the way you want it to. The business is 100% in your hands.

As your business starts to grow, sooner or later you're going to have to take the massive step of adding the second person. Moving from being a one-man (or woman) band to a business with employees is tough for a business owner. Nonetheless, if you want to grow a successful business you'll need a team, and to form a team you'll need to open your business up to other players.

When you're thinking about adding the second person, first think about what needs you're trying to fulfill. You may be tempted to say that there are no needs because you can already do it all. But perhaps you're being stretched WAY too thin and finding someone to help give you a more manageable work load is a need. Once you know what you need, the trick is finding someone who of course has the right skills, but also has the ability to work fairly independently. When you hire someone you'll of course be met with some new management responsibilities, and if the point was to reduce your workload, hiring someone who needs a lot of attention would be counterproductive.

What you need to remember is that as soon as you hire the second person the game has instantly changed. You are now the leader of a team, and nurturing that team now becomes a high priority.

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